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Turkey Syrian Earthquakes: One is Our Why

View from the top of the citadel in Aleppo, taken in 2019. Photo by Fred Perry for Preemptive Love.

On February 5, 2023, nearly 42,000 people went to bed, not knowing it would be the last time. Nearly 42,000 souls were lost in last week’s earthquakes, most certainly an undercount. Listening to the news, we are inundated by numbers, remembering that each represents a passing, dreams lost and hopes destroyed. As we try to understand the magnitude of destruction and the context in which it happened, we are reminded that while big numbers get attention, one person can make a profound impact.

One is our why.

One person could change the direction of a country. That’s why we do the work we do, why we work through listening, and why we create deep relationships with the people we serve. We believe that each person holds value. Each person can remake violence into something beautiful.

Getting pigtails during our winter blanket distribution in Aleppo, 2023. Photo by Sharif Abdalla for Preemptive Love.

Syrian Resilience

As earthquake rescue efforts turn into recovery efforts, we want to celebrate the resilience of the Syrian people. Over the last several years we’ve spent working in the Aleppo governorate, we have seen this resilience first hand. It sparked from a group of kids playing soccer in a field of brilliant red poppies, a tableau of bombed-out buildings behind them.

Resilience dazzled in the sunlight, spilling off new buildings constructed beside the remnants of shelling-scarred homes. The juxtaposition of old and new embodies a Syrian saying: “Every time you fall, you stand up again.” 

A balloon + a food box = a big smile. Photo by Nael Iskandarani for Preemptive Love.

Emergency Need

After almost twelve years of civil war, a natural disaster has created another state of emergency for Syrians. We know from our experience that instead of hardening and turning inward, Syrians will come together and rebuild. They will channel their resilience and eventually thrive. Won’t you join us in linking arms with Syrians in Aleppo? Right now, we are focusing on bringing much-needed food packs and thick winter blankets. As the ground literally settles, roads open, and people decide to stay or move on, as always, we’ll pivot our relief response to what is asked of us. Join us in supporting Syrians as each one remakes destruction with their remarkable resilience.

One is our why:

Why we’re on the forefront of crises.

Why we belong to each other.

Why we choose to love anyway.

Support Syrian Resilience

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