Site icon Preemptive Love

What Better Gift To Give Someone Than Life?

Last week I told you how much of an impact your donations are making for children like Maddy, who just received his lifesaving heart surgery!

Next year alone, we have 300 more children lined up for lifesaving heart surgeries like the one Maddy just received. Many of these children are facing death or inoperability, so they really need your help.

This Christmas, we are asking you to help us purchase the heart patches and other medical supplies needed to save children like Maddy.

We have a number of big black duffel bags waiting to be filled with these lifesaving supplies, but I need your help filling them.

Will you support children in Iraq by helping us fill these bags?

—$50 donates a patch that literally patches a hole in a child’s heart.
—$90 donates the stitches we need to sew on the heart valves of ten Iraqi children.
—$500 donates enough heart patches to save ten children.

Even the world’s finest surgeons can’t save a life without the right supplies in their hands. Now we have the opportunity to make sure they don’t run out before these children are saved. Click here to donate a heart patch, stitches, or a whole bag of both! 

And from all of us in Iraq, “Merry Christmas!”

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