Thank you! Your Talent and Passion is Remaking the World

The Fox Family got wrapped up in LOVE, and challenged their friends to so the same in order to help families impacted by ISIS.

If we had a giant refrigerator in the office, all of your pictures would be on it! We are so thankful to every one of you who finds space for yourself in the Coalition. You blow us away with your ability to love well, and to love in ways that change the world for good!

Olivia and the Verriere kids created a bake sale and a lemonade stand in order to help kids in the conflict zones of the Middle East!

You hold bake sales like Olivia and lemonade stands like the Verriere Family, and GraceAnne, Haven, Rebecca, Sadie, Meg. You talk to your neighbours about Iraq and the good that is happening here that doesn’t make it into the news. You are peacemakers right in your own front yards!

The Holsten kids pulled out all the stops, with a lemonade stand that not only delivered refreshment to neighbours, but a fresh start to Iraqi families.

You cut lawns all summer like David, Isaiah and Sammy. You are so excited to make a difference in the world, you don’t want to stop when summer is over.

David, Isaiah and Sammy cut lawns all summer in order to help Iraqi children crushed by ISIS.

You come up with your own fun fundraisers, like Megan Fox (shown at top with her family above). You get all wrapped up in LOVE, take a family photo, make a donation to help change the world in practical ways, and challenge your friends to do the same.

kinsman soap

You creative souls—you work hard in so many mediums, channelling your artistic skills into a means for women and men crushed by ISIS to have the chance to start over.

Karen Savage, featured in our Maker Monday series is offering beautiful quilts in a raffleAmanda Dexheimer, also featured in our Maker Monday series joined with others to make a new series of Love Cups. The money raised by these artists will provide Empowerment small business grants, so displaced Iraqi families can support themselves.

Karen Savage stitched together beautiful fabric, time, and skill to create two quilts to raffle, so that Iraqi women displaced by ISIS have the chance to start a business and support their families.

Andrea Dexheimer of The Love Cups invited makers to contribute to her collection, proceeds of which support Iraqi families having to restart their lives because of ISIS.

Susanna and Sarah knew they could use something they already loved to do, and give it a higher purpose. Susanna ran a 1/2 marathon, Sarah ran a 10k, and together they raised enough money to put 13 classrooms full of kids back to school

Susanna and Sarah ran in the Erbil International Marathon, and raised enough money to put 13 classrooms of kids back to school!

Coalition, you are beautiful! You consistently use your gifts and skills to remake the world in beautiful ways. We are so thankful for you! Every time you choose to wage peace, you are making a difference. Thank you!