Hi there, friends! #GivingTuesday is in one week, and we thought this would be a great chance for us all to come together to save lives from the threat of COVID-19. Preemptive Love is working hard at the moment to provide food, medicine, and jobs for vulnerable communities in Iraq, Syria, Mexico, and Venezuela.
Their mission is to make sure NO ONE starves in quarantine. NO ONE dies for lack of medicine. NO ONE loses their chance to work.
Donating $15 one time can help provide food for a family for a week. However, the need for monthly supporters is great, and even choosing to donate $5 each month ensures that we can all continue showing up for these vulnerable families.
Will you join us in helping Preemptive Love provide essential needs for these refugee families?
Thank you all for showing up for other communities, and for choosing to love on others instead of give into fear during this difficult time. Wishing each of you safety and peace where you are.
Grateful for you,
The Henrys